Hollow Insulators Manufacturer in Gujarat

Our hollow porcelain insulators are manufactured using high quality raw material and subjected to strict process and dimensional controls. The drying and firing process are suited to ensure proper and complete vitrification of the shells. The shells are then cut & ground to the specific requirements. The chamfer of the internal and external diameter plays a critical role in the mechanical performance of the hollow porcelain insulators and hence particular care is taken to ensure proper chamfering of the ends. The surface finish is another such critical factor that prevents gas / oil leakage and hence is critically controlled.

All the shells are subjected to ultrasonic test prior to assembly. The insulators are then assembled with the metal parts as required using Portland cement with the aid of precision assembly fixtures. The cement is cured under conditions of temperature and humidity. They are then subjected to routine and conformance tests in line with customer requirements, IS or IEC standards as required.

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